Tuesday, August 26, 2008

More noteable sales

Okay, I had a few auctions I'd been watching, hoping to be able to bid on a few things. My F-250 Super Duty drank the extra money, so... all I can do is report what happened with the auction...


Here was a nice auction with 2 CoCo2's, some paks, an O-90 and a floppy controller. Oh yeah.. the FDC was a 3029 model. Decent selling price.

Radio Shack TRS-80 Color Computer (first generation!)

Here's a decent looking first gen grey that sold a for a little more than I thought it'd go for.

Tandy TRS-80 CoCo Color Schematic Designer v2.0 w/Disk

Well, this auction fell under the category of 'Damn, I didn;t see that one coming'. In a good way I might add. I had planned on bidding on this until Ilogged on close to the end and saw what the latest bid was. Didn't realize this was such a rare piece.

Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80 Color Computer 26-3003A Vintag

Here's another auction of a CoCo1 that's been modded. Almost bid on it myself...

That's about all of the stuff I'd been watching. Haven;t been on eVilBay for a whle. I'll go look and if there is anything of interest, I'll add some auction to watch...



Monday, August 18, 2008

Recent sales..

Been watching a few items of interest and wanted to do a quick update on some recent sales. Nothing really earth-shattering has been going on, but, there are some items that I would classify as rare; I'll note 'em when I get to 'em:

Custom Deluxe Joystick for the TRS-80 / Tandy CoCo

Here's a nice PC joystick modded to work with a CoCo. Sprybug was the seller; and he's also back in CoCoworld and, apparently with the help of Bob DeVries, will be tackling Mini-Hog again. I look forward to playing Sonic on a CoCo...

TRS-80 CoCo Color Computer WORDPAK RS

This on I'd classify are rare. Since I've been tracking CoCo stuff on eVilBay, I've never seen this PBJ product. A rare find indeed...

TRS-80 Tandy Color Computer Coco MULTI-PAK

While the item is not rare, the price sure is. I haven't seen an MPI go for this much for a while.

Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80 Computer Games Sands of Egypt

Ahhh, yes... good old Sands of Egypt... spent many hours on this game as a kid. Never did solve it. Guess it's a good thing I lost this auction. My wife may have divorced me...


Looks like a nice start to a good collection of original softs. There's enough here to make most CoCo-lovers drule...

As for current auctions, not much of interesting items, IMHO. This seller, retro_eng has a few late Rainbows up for grabs. Another seller, 53onthemove has had some nice items as well. He says they are all estate items.

Well, that about covers it for this trip around the auction world.



Monday, August 11, 2008

Quick noteable sale...

Radio Shack Tandy 128K Color Computer 3 CoCo3 TRS-80

Here's what I'd consider to be an average (at best) CoCo3 going for a decent price. Must be the box (looked like a nice box at that...). Another eVilBay seller, mkandrac36, had several nice CoCo3's that took multiple auctions to get rid of, tho I don;t know if his had boxes. Just one of those things, I guess.


eVilBay Rundown

Okay, there are a few interesting auctions on the 'Bay right now, so, without further ado...

Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80 Color Computer Spectaculator

Disk version of Spectacultor. If you don't recall, and I'd say you lived under a rock if you don't, Spectaculator is a spreadsheet program for the CoCo. I never used it so I have no idea of it's capabilities.

Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80 Color Computer Personafile

Disk version of Pesonafile, which is basically a personal database. Again, never used it...

Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80 CoCo Color Computer Scripsit

Disk version of the 'Shack's word processor. If you like it for collectors purposes, I'd say go for it. For actual use, there are much better wp's for the CoCo (TW-64 to name just one).

Tandy TRS-80 Radio Shack CoCo EDTASM with ZBUG Editor

Disk version of EDTASM w/Z-BUG. If you want to do Assembly language programming on a real CoCo, you'll need this (or something like it.)

TRS-80 Color Computer Homebrew Style Drive & Controller

Just what the title says. If nothing else, the spare controller is a good find. They ain't makin' any more of them...

That's about all that caught my eye out of the current auctions. There is some hardware (meaning CoCo's) on eBay, but, nothing out of the ordinary.

Now, let's look at some recent sales:

TRS-80 Radio Shack COLOR COMPUTER 2 - Mint Condition

I'd like to have got this one. Looks to be an HJL keyboard on this CoCo2. Would've been worth it just for the HJL, IMO.

Tandy Radio Shack CoCo TRS-80 Color Computer FHL O-Pak

This FHL package, I think, would HAVE to fall into the ultra-rare categroy. In the three years I've been tracking the CoCo stuff, this is the first I've seen. Whoever zepplin71 is, I'm sure he's happy...

Lot Tandy TRS-80 CoCo Computer Friends Disk Magazine

Another one I'd like to have gotten my hands on. I know you can download the CFDM still, but, to have original with the hard copy, I dunno, just seems kewl...

Thant's about all for now. I've got another project coming up in a few months. My daughter's Girlscout troop is going for their badges in computers (who'da thunk it). Since I'm the only parent with any computer knowledge, I get to help them with this one. So I get to sit with 22 five to ten year old girls for two hours and give them the basics of computer use and terminology. Figured I'd also give them some exposure to the CoCo by having them type in a quick basic program on it. Maybe something that will allow them to print their name or something on a dot matrix printer.

