Friday, December 29, 2006

Glove Final Release

James McKay has released the final (for now) release version of the awesome Glove game for the CoCo and Dragon machines. Glove is a Gauntlet-style game for the 32K CoCo 1/2/3/Dragon 32. Okay, he didn't quite hit the 4 or 16K targets, but who cares! The game rocks. Grab it (and read it's development history) here:


Angel's Luck,


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Monday, December 25, 2006

Holiday Survey Results

Completely forgot to post the results of this! :/ Before getting to the results, allow me to point out that future polls will be conducted on the CoCo Hut Message Board, not on the website itself. Hey, anything to make my life easier, right? :P

Okay, so this latest survey asked:

"What Color Computer related gift items would you like to see in the CoCo Hut gift shop?"

The results:

More T-Shirt Designs: 28.6%

A CoCo Journal: 28.6%

CoCo Buttons Stickers: 14.3%

A CoCo Mouse Pad: 14.3%

CoCo Underwear: 14.3%

CoCo Postage Stamps:0%

A CoCo Hat: 0%

More T-Shirt designs went up earlier, including the most requested, a large image of CoCo Man. I really want to do more, but so far ordering, while nice, hasn't been strong enough or regular enough to warrant paying the subscription fee to CafePress professional. Maybe I'll just break down and do it, do a bunch of different designs and see if sales pick up enough to justify the costs. Gotta spend money to make money, right?

(All the proceeds from sales of this stuff goes to paying the web site bill, by the way. If there's any extra, and so far there hasn't been, I'll probably just buy more CoCo stuff. heh!)

I also added a mouse pad, but it's the CoCo Hut logo. Eventually I'll do something more CoCoish. And underwear? Underwear??? Okay. I can do that. You want boxers or thongs?

A journal is actual in progress, but is a MAJOR pain to get right. You'll understand when you see it. Should be neat though, but don't expect it for awhile. I'm working on it in between things. I will plug the coffee mug here. Very cool. Enjoy mine tremendously. Only sold three so far, but it's well worth it. All the CafePress stuff has, thus far, been very nice.

The other thing I got several request for was a CoCo calendar. Unfortunately, couldn't compile enough CoCo images to get the job done. sigh. I'll keep taking picture this year and see if I can get enough together to do a 2008 calendar. i can do that, right? Right.

Second question was:

"If there was one thing that would have your CoCo grinning like an 8-bit fool this holiday season, what would it be?"

A Cool New Game 28.6%

More Memory 28.6%

The Superboard! :) 28.6%

Mass Storage 14.3%

A New OS 0%

More memory is easy. Go to Cloud-9 and get it while the getting's good (no telling how many are left, or when more will be made!). Do it. It's an easy upgrade, takes about 15 to 20 minutes, and you're way better off. A cool new game, well, hopefully in 2007 we'll see some of the many game projects going on at the moment finish up. In the meantime, pop over and snag the Sierra Games Mr. Major converted for the CoCo. Something to use that new memory on! And, of course, the Superboard would be nice, but it sure sounds like it's going to be worth the wait.

So there ya go. One more survey down! :)

Angel's Luck,


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CoCo TV DVD Slightly Delayed

Roger Taylor announced a few days ago that disk 1 of the new CoCo TV DVD, with all the CoCo goodies on DVD for your viewing enjoyment, has been slightly delayed. Mainly to do with adding stuff and quality issues. Hey, sounds great and what's a little delay between CoCoists. :) It should ship shortly after Christmas. The DVD set can be ordered at:

Angel's Luck,


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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

A quick post, amidst the holiday hustle and bustle, to wish all my fellow CoCoists a joyous holidays, a Merry Christmas, and very Happy New Year! I hope your holidays were great and full of CoCo Goodness. And here's hoping that 2007 bring many more happy CoCo moments!

Angel's Luck & Electric Dreams,

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Why the CoCo Needs a USB Connection

Okay, not CoCo related and technically there are probably a lot better reasons, but I know this sure made my wishlist. :)

USB Missile Launcher, 782, Dream Cheeky at


Angel's Luck,


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Roger Taylor posts site for Annual CoCo Fest

Roger Taylor, of, has created a place holder site for future announcements for the "Last Annual CoCoFest" in Chicago. (Really need a new name for that.) The site is empty at the moment, but bookmark it now and stay tuned.

Angel's Luck,

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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

News: Rogue stuff on Boyle's Games Site

L. Curtis Boyle has updated the Tandy (TRS-80) Color Computer Games web site several times recently, that I failed to report. The most recent update (on the 11th) included the shots and descriptions for OS-9 L2 Rogue from Epyx. He also added an alternate font for the game and a text file that describes how to hack the game to enable the cheat modes among other things.


Angel's Luck,


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News: Cloud-9 Tech's Christmas Special!

Been trying to post this for a few days... sigh...

The super guys at Cloud-9 Tech are offering a special Christmas present to CoCoists everywhere in the form of a super sale!

Need a SCSI controller? The TC^3 with HBD-DOS, SuperDriver (for CD-ROM access), and NitrOS-9 combo is a steal! $150 with the clock, $135 without. :)

How about adding a Hitachi 6309? They got 'em for the rock bottom price of $25.00. As low as $18.00 if you buy 3!

They're also offering up their CompactFlash CE Apapter for IDE interfaces for a mere $15!

Serious goodness, but the sale only lasts until Dec. 20th. Get 'em while the gettin's good!

Angel's Luck,

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

News: OS-9 User's Forum

BrizaOS9 has a great new forum with a CoCo related board here:

Index :: The OS9USER'S

Covers a wide range of topics including "What's New In The CoCo." Jump on in and join the fun. :)

Also... (spoiler warning), Briza will be joining us shortly in The CoCo Collector to provide his take on vintage CoCo games and, of course, anything else that pops up worth commenting on! Stay tuned!

The CoCo Collector

Angel's Luck,


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Sunday, December 03, 2006

Comment: Happy Birthday!

December 6th will mark the official one year anniversary of the CoCo Hut blog! Woo hoo! (I don't count the first two posts in November. heh.) Many thanks to everyone who pops in here and reads. And a special thanks as well to all who have posted!

Don't forget to pop by the companion website, blog, and message boards at:

Capt's CoCo Hut
The CoCo Collector
The CoCo Hut Message Board

2007 should be a great year at the Hut. There's a major revision of the site coming in the Spring (I hope... it's been tricky putting it together.) Maybe a preview here soon after the holidays. ;) I'll hopefully finish off the CoCo mod project and get another started.

And of course, I'm looking forward to seeing and hearing about everyone else's projects. I can't recommend enough the blogging thing if you're going to try it. It's a great way to share your experiences with all CoCoists. Sharing that stuff is important. If there's one thing the CoCo has a long tradition of, even more than any other machine, is helpful folks helping other helpful folks. That's a lot of help.

I think it's time to start up something specifically for the beginners and intermediate CoCoists who might be a little intimidated to jump on in sometimes. I get email about that frequently. So, that's another thing on the agenda for the next year... though I haven't quite gotten much of an idea on how to go about it. We'll keep at it and come up with something fun. :)

For the CoCo, 2007 should be an amazing year as well! We'll keep our fingers crossed that the Superboard from Cloud-9 will be done. However long it takes, I'm certain it'll be well worth the wait. Mark and Boisey of Cloud-9 make some of the most wicked CoCo stuff out there. Highly recommended.

We'll also, if all goes well, see the release of the Rainbow on Disk project. This project will collect every single issue of The Rainbow magazine from Falsoft into an easy to search DVD format. With all the ads, articles, one-liners, helpful tips and other goodies! The boon for researching alone will be enormous. And when you get stuck on something, the answer from the experts of yore will be a mere search box away. Yeah, I may be more excited about this than anything else!

Don't forget the Asimov awards over on YACCS. You could win a cash prize for your programing efforts! Just don't forget that the deadline is January 31st, 2007! Get to coding! (And yes, my entry is almost done... well, mostly almost... heh.)

Of course, there's also the CoCo DVD from Roger Taylor coming up, and don't forget the CoCo Nutz! newsletter over at Can't rave enough about the stuff you can order from Roger. I'm STILL plowing through the massive CoCo Collection CD I got from him. It's a bargain and twice the price (now go order it before he raises the price!). :)

There's plenty of exciting things going on for the CoCo. I'm hoping 2007 will welcome many more new and returning CoCoists to our midsts. Hey, the CoCo hut is one year old. There's no party, but raise a beer (a pint, a brew, a wine cooler, or what have ya) and give a cheer! Here's looking forward to many more years to come! :)

Angel's Luck,