Monday, June 14, 2010

Time's flying...

Okay, been busy, not gonna make a bunch of excuses - been CoCoing whenever I can, and since I've got a MicroSD Drive Pak and a Cloud9 DriveWire HDBDOS Pak, that's been quite a lot. Look for full blown USER reviews on my website later this month. If someone else wants to do benchmarking, knock yourself out, I don't have time for that. While I've been busy as (insert your favorite word here), there's been quite a bit of action over on the eVilBay. So, without further ado...

tandy color computer 3 trs-80

This was a decent auction but DAMN!!! Shipping from Canada was a killer...

TRS-80 Color Computer T & D Software Disk #97

John over at, aka shadow_nightwarrior, had a butt-load of T&D disks up for auction. Not gonna post them all here, tho...

Radio Shack TRS-80 Color Computers Lot of 2 Vintage

This was almost criminal... THe buyer got a hell of a deal.


This IS criminal...

Tandy Color Computer 3 with original box!

Not bad....

Tandy Color Computer 3 (w/ 512k ram upgrade)

Wow, didn't see that coming....

That's about all I see of interest. Later...